Thursday, February 16, 2012

Moo-ve on over, boring marketing strategies!

Today I was reading an article on Mashable about a start up company getting some major buzz. The company has not yet launched a single product, yet they have over 10,000 registered users to their website, 750 followers and over 3000 mentions on Twitter.

What makes the brand without a product so special? Simple: their website has a game called "Click the Cow". Its pretty self-explanatory, but visitors literally click the picture of a cow and earn 1 point. If they tweet about the page, or "like" it on Facebook, they get 100 points. The leader on their "Utterly pointless leadboard" has over 878,000,000 points!!!

Without selling a single product, this new company already has a strong following. I decided to check the website out, and all you can really do is register for a username, so I did. I have no idea what the website will be about, but I am already curious.

That is the crazy thing about social media, buzz can generate just from about anything. Regular marketing tactics don't work as well, and often, the most out-of-the-box or weird tactics catch users attention! That is what I love most about social media, you can be as creative as you want to and actually be YOU! Transparency is key, and if you can show users the fun, crazy you, they will be more likely to relate with you. So next time you have a crazy idea, just go with it, you never know what might catch someone's interest! Have fun!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Everywhere I Go...

Just the other day I took my mother to her appointment at her chiropractor and noticed they had a sign taped to their door that said, “Like us on Facebook”. Another place that did something similar was The Paul Mitchell School of Hair. They had a sign up for people to write reviews for their haircut experiences on Yelp. I am starting to see things like this more often at a faster growing pace. I think people are just starting to realize the true importance of social media because I feel that it is at it’s peak right now. I just started a Marketing class at Gateway Community College and after the class ended I told my Professor about Talking Finger and what we do for businesses and she had mentioned that the textbook doesn’t mention anything about social media and that it should because of it’s growing importance. Social Media Marketing is almost comparable to Underground Rock Music. It’s there, but not everyone knows it exists just yet. But when they do it’s going to blow up even more.
-Chris Durso

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Newest addition to the TF Family!


My name is Dana and I am the newest addition to TalkingFinger! I first met these guys during the summer when I interned with them, and I am glad to be back!

I recently graduated from Southern New Hampshire University in December, a semester earlier than planned. I majored in marketing and minored in both social media marketing and fashion merchandising. My roommate and I were actually the first two day undergraduate students to graduate with a minor in social media marketing because the program was introduced just last spring.

First two undergraduate day students to get a minor in social media marketing!

I love that social media is so versatile and can be used by anyone. All over now, companies are directing people towards their Facebook or Twitter instead of their website. QR codes are popping up everywhere; even containers of strawberries and grapes now have them printed directly on them. Applications on smartphones also make it easy to access all social media outlets practically anywhere. 

After taking note of all of this, I knew it would be a good idea to look into the social media aspect of marketing. I feel that if a company does not look into social media, they will be left in the dust behind their competition. It is also a great way to connect with others and allows you to meet people you never would have had the opportunity to meet with otherwise. 

I am excited to be back and to learn all I can about social media from Bill and Erik. They are some of the best social media marketers out there and I am happy to be working along side them.