Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Easy ideas for your company's Instagram

Many of you by now have probably heard of or even use the photography app Instagram, but did you know it could help generate new business? Some companies we speak to don’t use the application because they simply don’t know what to post photos or videos of. We’ve came up with a quick list of ideas to help you get a jumpstart on this awesome application:

1.  Does your company sell products? Post images of it! Don’t just post a boring image of it though- show it in use!
2.  People love when they get to see inside of a company, so post photos or videos of your employees and happenings going on during the normal work day (ex: parties, employees at work, etc)
3. Photos of customers with their products (reach out on your other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and ask them to send in pictures of themselves with your product) You can also have people tag you in their photos or use a specific hashtag.
4.  Humor and inspiration pictures do well on Instagram so have fun and inspire your audience.
5.  Don’t be afraid to get creative! Anything you find interesting, others probably will too!

After you’ve posted your photo or video, add a short description of what it is and use proper hashtags. Have a picture of a cake? Your description may be…. “Dinosaur cake for client’s 4th birthday” Use hashtags such as #cake, #bakery, #yummy #companyname. Its that simple! Hashtags are how content is discovered on Instagram.

Have any more questions about Instagram? Don’t be afraid to contact us via email or call 203-491-0306!