Tuesday, October 13, 2015

‪#‎Instagram‬ ads are here, and available in your Facebook Ads Manager now! We have been posting about this for over a year...well it's finally here! If you need some help or advice, please Comment below. This is something marketers CANNOT miss!

This will be an invaluable tool. The integration is nice, with the ability to create and target ads right through facebook's ads manager. 
Will you be using the ads?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Our ‪#‎TBT‬ falls an an awesome day! Five years ago today, Talking Finger, Social Media Marketing Agency became "legally official" when our LLC was approved. It took many months of hard work, planning, failing, experimenting, and sacrifice leading up to that day with my good buddy and co-founder Erik Granato. Thanks to our friends, family, clients, supporters and everyone else that made it possible! 

Thank you!