Social Media Marketing Mini Boot Camp
In this mini boot camp, attendees will learn from William DeRosa, president and co-founder of Talking Finger who has over 25 years of ad/marketing experience and one of the original social media marketing experts.Talking FInger is the premier social media marketing agency in the northeast, founded in 2010.
The two hour class will encompass everything from creating and maintaining social profiles, how to curate and create content, integrating social into your other ad/marketing inititives and campaigns, reading analytics, basic website optimizations to increase SEO, email marketing integration and much more!
This is an interactive and hands on class where questions and input are encouraged.
The cost is $40 per person (group discounts available as well) and is payable at the door (credit card, cash or check). Class is limited to 14 attendees, so please register early. Register by choosing "Going" in upper right of event page, under cover photo.
Any q's, please feel free to email us or call us.