Facebook Like-Gating to Go Bye-Bye
on November 5th, 2014
Dear Facebook,
You continually make these changes that are simply ignorant and asinine. Another proverbial nail in the coffin for small businesses trying to gain traction on an increasingly difficult Facebook marketing platform.
Their moves continually push away the 90% of businesses in the US that are not big brands or have huge budgets. Foolish, foolish follow up to already declining Reach. Businesses better start looking at other social networks to find their audience, as living strictly on Facebook will be detrimental.
What the heck do you mean by " To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike." Ummm NO.
Who are YOU to tell a business what a quality connection is? Studies CONTINUALLY and EMPHATICALLY show that fans Like a Page for these top four reasons:
1. Support a Brand I Like.
3. To receive regular updates of new products/services.
You have already systematically started smashing #1 and 3 with your algorithms in a force to "pay to play" model, NOW you are going to KILL #2 and 3.
What you obviously don't get, Facebook, is that these incentives often result in further chance of viral awareness via engagement to potentially reach that friend of a friend that doesn't know about a Page! Way to kill the usefulness of leveraging audiences.
I love Facebook, and have been a HUGE supporter with my agency for over 5 years telling clients that should have a facebook presence (for the most part...some businesses don't ever get an ROI on facebook die to target audience), should budget for some ads/boosted posts, create great content, and engage.
Facebook: you better change directions soon.The grass is getting much greener on other social networks, while your lawn is quickly seeing the winter of our discontent.